2,500 AKC Champions from all over the world are invited to compete in this prestigious show; the second biggest in the world (Crufts Dog Show in England is the first)
How does a dog get to compete at this level? Well, the dog must be a champion, which means they have won first place at a lot of dog shows. To be a champion the dog needs to earn 15 points, including 2 majors.
Westminster starts early Monday morning, where all the breeds compete against the breed standard. The dog that is closest to the breed standard wins "Best of Breed," and moves onto the group class, which is what is aired on T.V. The winners of the 7 group classes, compete in "Best In Show" which is Tuesday evening.
The WKC is introducing three new breeds this year. We welcome:
Irish Red and White Setter into the Sporting Group
Norweigan Buhund into the Herding Group
Pyrenian Shepherd into the Herding Group
To root for your favorite breed...
- Watch The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Monday, February 15th from 8pm-9pm on USA Network and 9pm-11pm on CNBC. Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding groups will be judged that evening.
- Tuesday, February 16th will be Sporting, Working, Terrier and Best In Show from 8pm-11pm on USA Network.
Visit their website for more information.
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