Picadilly, aka Dilly is a four year old female english bulldog that comes in with her sister, Ratatoullie, aka Tooey, who is a year and a half year old french bulldog.
These girls are total opposites! Tooey runs around playing chase with everyone, always has a ball in her mouth, and is always on the go. Dilly is more quiet, she is a little shy and for now she likes to observe everyone and sit on the counselor's lap (yes, she thinks she is a lap dog)
We are so glad Dilly and Tooey are part of our small dog camp crew! Dilly makes us laugh the way she slinks around the camp room and Tooey always has a smile on her face.
Welcome to camp girls!
To watch Dilly and Tooey's antics click on our small dog camera.
For more information on doggy daycamp, call 301-926-6005 or visit our website